
Financial modeling for the 21st century

Take a powerful spreadsheet, add data integrations, advanced scenarios, and best in class collaboration

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We want to save CFOs & VP Finance hours by shaving away manual and unnecessary work from financial forecasting and budgeting

We are building a better spreadsheet. A smarter, algorithm-powered spreadsheet designed to do one thing well - build Operating Models

It's a powerful spreadsheet

All the power and flexibility of a spreadsheet, with even the same functions that Excel has. Oh, and did we mention that you can import any Excel file into Comaven, and with one click export to Excel?

We do the integrations for you

Your CRM was not designed with Finance in mind. Let us fix that. We'll connect to your CRM and extract the information that Finance, not Sales, wants to see. We'll also automatically import data from your Accounting Software and HRIS

Powerful scenarios, built in

We are building scenarios right into the heart of our product. Easily create scenarios from your master model and incorporate changes back. When your master model is updated, all derivative scenarios are updated as well. No more Excel Hell!

Best in class What-If functionality

Do you need to quickly see the implications of a few changes to your model? All it takes is a few clicks, and you'll get a visual guide to show you what changed and the magnitude of the downstream changes.

Built-in auditing and collaboration

Let other business leaders access the master forecast, without breaking things. Let them work in their own sandbox and suggest to you any changes to the master model that they think need to be made.

Use our API

Do you want to import data from an in-house system? Or do you want to extract data from Comaven to use somewhere else? Just use our API! Your data is never locked in and you are free to use it as you please.
Comaven's ability to capture longitudinal Salesforce data has dramatically improved our funnel conversion estimation and revenue projections.
Jenn Hamoen / VP Finance / HHR Engineering